Five reviewers from Readers Favorite took an in-depth look at Take My Husband, Please, and gave it an average of FIVE STARS! You can see all five reviews here. I'm pretty excited because this is a well-respected site that reviews even big-name authors as well as little ol' me.
One of my most favorite reviews comes from Deborah Lloyd, who said this:
"Sometimes a reader simply wants to be entertained; this book is a fun and humorous read that will lighten up the day. Author Kimberly Jayne is a skilled and savvy writer as she describes the antics of Sophie and Will Camden in Take My Husband, Please. Sophie and Will may become the modern-day (romantic and sexy) version of Lucy and Ricky! Ms. Jayne’s writing is fast-paced, witty and unexpected; there are numerous twists and turns in her plot, making it difficult to put the book down. The story is simply provocative and hilarious. The best part is this: the story ended in such a way that a sequel may be in the works."

I love Deborah Lloyd.
Anyhoo, they gave me this cool emblem to show it's a nice book that you should buy (heh), and I'm happy to display it here. Want to get a copy of your own? Here ya go: Take My Husband, Please on Amazon.